It can be used for both modern and legacy PHP-based projects.
Code autocompletion finalizes classes, methods, variable names, and PHP keywords, plus commonly used names for fields and variables depending on their type.Coding style Support ( PSR1/PSR2, Drupal, Symfony, Zend).The IDE provides code completion suggestions based on and annotations. PHP Code Sniffer (phpcs) that checks for code smells on the fly.Refactorings (Rename, Introduce Variable, Introduce Constant, Introduce Field, Inline Variable, Move Static Member, Extract Interface).Smarty and Twig templates editing (Syntax errors highlighting Smarty functions and attributes completion automatic insertion of paired braces, quotes and closing tags and more).MVC view for Symfony, and Yii frameworks.SQL and databases support (live database schema refactoring, generation of schema migration scripts, export query result to file or clipboard, editing of stored procedures, etc.).Remote deployment over FTP, SFTP, FTPS etc.

Code navigation and usages search (Go to declaration/symbol, Find Usages).JavaScript refactoring (Rename, Extract Variable/Function, Inline Variable/Function, Move/Copy, Safe delete, Extract embedded script into file). In November 2015 JetBrains switched to licensing PhpStorm on a subscription basis. Annual subscriptions or monthly subscriptions maintained for 12 consecutive months also receive a "perpetual fallback license" to the major version available at the time of purchase. PhpStorm is available for individual developers, and business and organizations.